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We are promoting our rich African cultures

A culture worker, Book writer and Musician

I try to spread West African culture, to reduce racial discrimination and to make people feel the joy in African music, dance and storytelling.

Titles from my Collecion

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Gambia Bolongo

Gambia Bolongo


Children of Story taller

Children of Story taller

Tradtional Tools and Work in Gambia

Tradtional Tools and Work in Gambia

Bakebba Landing Sonko NDenianka

I was born in The Gambia and I live in Stockholm, Sweden. Ever since I was a child I have been interested in listening to stories, dancing and playing drums. Therefore it was natural for me to work with West African culture, and that´s what I have been doing since I moved to Sweden in 1977. I am a musician, I write and tell stories and I teach both children and adults in African dance and drums. I also perform with African dance and drums.

About me My Journey
Story telling Kelemes Taaling

During the last few years I have written down old Gambian stories and even written my own stories from The Gambia. Through Studiefrämjandet in Stockholm I have edited a book called "The Story Teller's Children" and a CD to go with it. The stories have been recorded by a Swedish actress called Ingrid Luterkort and between the stories there are short pieces of African music and singing. Thanks to that book I have attended a couple of festivals for authors, where I have read and told my stories. As a musician I have performed at different music festivals in Scandinavia and in Latvia.

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  • 500 GB Storage
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